For Immediate Release
Pine County Public Health and Pine County School Districts
to Partner in COVID-19 Planning and Response
Today, Pine County Public Health announced a collaborative response team for school districts. Pine City, Hinckley-Finlayson, East Central, and Willow River will all work in collaboration with Pine County Public Health to plan and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We plan to meet weekly to ensure consistent communication and analyzing the most up to date case data,” Community Health Services Administrator Samantha Lo said. “Understanding and responding to COVID-19 is not something any one organization should handle alone. We know this disease ignores school district lines, and information is constantly changing. By working together, we can bring the public health experts together with school leaders to see the big picture and then respond accordingly.”
Since March, Pine County Public Health has been active in monitoring and responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Pine County COVID-19 Hotline is still available, M-F 8-5 at 320-591-1690, if you have questions or need help accessing resources. For the most up to date information regarding your school district’s reopening plans, please visit your school district’s website.
As a reminder, wear a mask when in public, social distance, and wash your hands frequently. By following these guidelines, every person can play a part in keeping our community safe and schools open.